Everyone has to do their taxes, but they certainly aren’t easy for most people to understand. Many people end up putting them off and even missing filing deadlines simply because they don’t know how to do them. At BC Tax, our consultants are ready to help. Our employees are tax experts and even former IRS agents dedicated to helping you understand your options and get your tax payments back on track.
We understand what you’re going through and offer a variety of solutions for tax debt and similar issues, whether you’re filing for yourself or your business. Our services cover both state and federal taxes, and as we work together, we’ll help you discover the secrets to filing your Pennsylvania taxes correctly every time.
Paying Taxes in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania residents and visitors are subject to many taxes. In addition to the federal taxes every U.S. citizen pays, Pennsylvania also levies taxes such as:
- Sales tax:Ā Aside from essentials like groceries, clothing and prescriptions, most products in Pennsylvania are subject to a 6% sales tax. In Philadelphia, the sales tax is 8%, and in Allegheny County, the sales tax is 7%.
- āSinā taxes:Ā There are also additional taxes on cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
- Property and real estate taxes:Ā Local counties, school districts and boroughs may pose additional taxes for those living or attending school in their community. There may also be extra taxes the year someone buys a house or moves into the area.
- State income tax:Ā As in many other states, Pennsylvania requires its residents to pay taxes based on their income. This applies to individuals, businesses and other organizations that are not federally taxed corporations.
- Local income tax:Ā Like the state income tax, residents are also required to pay taxes for the city, town and county they reside in.