This client came aboard with BC Tax needing help after having numerous Federal Tax Liens filed against him. He had a liability to the IRS of over $350,000 spanning from 2008 through 2013. BC Tax was able to negotiate on behalf of the client with the Appeals Division of the IRS numerous times before successfully securing a CNC resolution. This resolution secured the client the ability to move forward in life without such a large liability looming over them.

BC Tax Insights Team
Posted By: BC Tax Insights Team

Authored by the BC Tax Insights Team, this article reflects the collective expertise and experience of our seasoned tax professionals. The Insights Team at BC Tax comprises specialists with a deep understanding of various tax scenarios and solutions. With a focus on providing informative, accurate, and practical insights, our goal is to guide readers through the complexities of taxation and financial planning. Every piece is crafted with the intent to help individuals and businesses navigate the ever-evolving world of taxes, ensuring clarity and confidence in decision-making.